Mountain View Medical Supply

Monday, May 24, 2010

In the Market for 3 or 4 Wheeled Walkers?

When shopping for a 3 or 4 wheeled walker, here are keypoints to help you find the right one for you!
1) All walkers should list a user height that the walker is designed for. For example, someone that is 5'6" should look for a walker that "fits users 5'6" to 6'".
2) There is a corresponding seat height to each user height. For users with longer or shorter legs in relation to their height, look for a walker with the correct seat height. For example, if you have shorter legs, look for a shorter seat height such as 18".
3) Seat width is usually not adjustable, so make sure you find the right size to fit the width of your hips.
4) Weight Capacity of the walker, and the weight of the walker itself should be taken into consideration. For example, most walkers fold up so you can take them in your car with you, so make sure you can lift the walker if needed. You also want to ensure that the walker can handle the seated weight of the user.
5) Adjustable handle height ensures the walker will be a good fit. Good posture is important, so make sure the user is not slumping over, or not able to slightly lean on the walker for support.
6) Most walkers have 8" wheels - make sure they are not smaller than this to ensure easier travel over various terrains.

We offer a wide range of Wheeled Walkers, including Nova and Guardian walkers along with the new HybridLX Rollator Transport Chair combo!

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